Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010

Tour d'Java (Part 1)

While writing this post, it just reminds me the previous post i have made couple years ago. At that moment, i have planed such a marvelous idea about backpack traveling around Java (check this: trip to sempu). Starting from Bandung, the trip would across several Java’s big cities and finish at Sempu Island in East Java. Ironically, all the plans we have set did not bring us to any realization yet.

And then..

Almost two years from that time, now i gladly report that i have done that traveling stories, although it came with some different cities as i have planned before. Sempu Island, as the finish line for the previous plan, is already noted for upcoming trip for next month.

For stories from the cities i have visited in, here they are:

1.Central Java

Unfortunately, I only spent less than 1 day in this thousands-of-culture-heritage city. Things i remembered most about this city is the remarkable delicious soup named Teamlo. I do believe i have to visit Solo again in the future in order to explore more another hidden legendary beauty there.

b.Dieng- Wonosobo
Hey Indonesia!
Proudly announced that i have stepped my own feet on the second highest plateau around the globe, DIENG!

Dieng is located 2100 m above the sea level and recognized as the second highest plataeu after The Himalaya. It only took 45 minutes from Wonosobo. Along the road to Dieng, the travelers would be amazed by spectacular scenery of the combination between hills, mountains, farm and the high land.

Dieng offers thousands of interesting places and unique cultures. Enjoying the beautiful sunrise might be the first thing you may not miss here. Besides that, Telaga Warna also known as one of the most favourite destination in Dieng. Few years ago, it has several colours appeared on its surface. Unfortunately, the deforestation effect of the mountains turned the Telaga warna into only a single colour appeareance lake.

Another places that you have to visit are The group of temples, Gatot Kaca, Pendawa Lima,or Arjuna. It absolutely fascinating all the travelers with its own unique structures and stories.
Another natural beauty of Dieng is the Crater of Sikidang. Just pay more attention cause this active creater emit strong sulphur odor at the air.

Things that really remarkable for me is the local spheres around is not so-like Indonesia. An extremely cold ambient temperature completed with pure fresh air around turn my self into forgetting Gresik for a while. Just make sure to equip yourself with extra clothes or jackets to keep your body warm.

For further information, it is highly recommended to pleased yourself with a unique food called “mie ongklok” at Wonosobo. A unique combination from a plate of thick sauce noodle while served with beef satay as a compliment. Obviously a must-tried cullinery!

c.Ambarawa Bandungan
Ambarawa is a great option in spending holiday with your family. Beautiful scenery and tracking path around the Gedung Songo Temple are the things that you can not miss from this place. Gedung Songo is a group of 9 temples which located separatedly by hills. The adventure challenge you to complete visiting all the temple only by walking.

Tons of thanks for the Nasti’s family for inviting me into their beautiful family gathering. Yes, I truly wish i could join with her another family events in the future.

to be continued....

8 komentar:

Wiwien mengatakan...

Dieng as the second highest plataeu after The Himalaya--->> aku baru tahu... trus kalo semeru itu apa?

btw aku udah berencana pengin ke dieeeeng next year...amiiin *astaga lama bgt tercapainya cm ke dieng ini

blackandikauda mengatakan...

kalo g salah dieng itu dataran tinggi tertinggi nomor dua dunia...

jadi aku pernah denger juga,
klo kita ngomongin himalaya bukan berarti cuma ada gunung-gunung doang..tapi segala landscape alam di punya punya,baik dari pegunungan,dataran tinggi,hulu sungai besar,lembah dll

oh ya, wajib tuh ke dieng!recommended bgt dah heheh

Anggy mengatakan...

Hai Blek,
Semoga kita bisa bertemu di Phuket, setelah kita bertemu di Dieng..

sungguh pertemuan yang lucu.

Next: Karimunjawa 4-7 Desember 2010. Wanna in?

blackandikauda mengatakan...

aooo bu nyonya rinov!

eh dalam rangka apo kw ke phuket?hanimun part keberapa nih hohoho

waaaaah pengen bgt tuh maen ke karimun jawa!
itu ngmbil cuti yo??

tapi awak lagi krisis pinansial gara2 kmren jalan over budget hehehe

Anonim mengatakan...

dan tersadar gw belum pernah ke daerah tengah (wonosobo-dieng)

Anggy mengatakan...

Karimunjawa ini hanimun ketiga...ntar ke phuket ke 4...kekekekeke

gmana Bangkok??

blackandikauda mengatakan...


kapan tuh jilid 4nya?
di bali aja lah jilid 4 nya, aku liburan natal nanti ke sana, sapa tau ketemu lagi hehehe...

berhubung aku terluntang-lantung sndirian dngan duit sangat terbats,jadiny rasanya kurang rame...

mending nant klo smpet, ke chiang mai aja :)

Unknown mengatakan...

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