Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

Hari ini mulai jalan..

pukul 09.16..

sms dari pacar,mampir ke hape...


dua tahun lalu ada yang semangat nyeritain mimpi mau keliling eropa, bekpekeran... beberapa bulan yang lalu ndud yang dapet kesempatan duluan...

now its your turn..

selamat travelin..
selamat ngerasain extraordinary experience,
good or bad =).."

today i'm leaving the town for a while..
Not for europe as my destination for now..
i'd rather choose thailand as my first step learning the meaning of traveling itself..

wish me luck for my first time experience having this remarkable overseas traveling

i already noted Phuket and Europe as our next destinations as i promised you before, would you?

4 komentar:

Wiwien mengatakan...

pasang fotooo and travel story!!

blackandikauda mengatakan...

oke bu wiwien!
naskah masih disusun oleh redaksi :)

Anonim mengatakan...


nastiiii mengatakan...
